Sell My House Chicago – Without Putting More Money Into It

There are as many reasons for selling a house as there are homeowners. Many times a life event such as divorce, sudden illness, job changes or even the loss of a loved one make selling a house quickly absolutely necessary. Those events can also leave many homeowners ready to just give up and walk without looking back. Low interest rates allow prospective buyers to find a new place to call home. Sellers who have inherited properties either simply don’t have the time or money to complete a renovation, and they have no interest in selling the home or becoming a landlord. Other sellers can no longer afford the upkeep or the monthly costs of owning a property, and they need to sell very quickly. To keep from going into foreclosure in those cases, a fast home sale is absolutely necessary. Sellers in all situations should discover their options to sell a burdensome property, including professional cash home buyers who are there to help the homeowners wondering how will I sell my house Chicago? No matter your reason for selling quickly, we’ll take a look at how to sell your house without sinking more money into it.

Sell My House Chicago As-Is

Stating your home is being sold ‘As-Is’ in your listing remarks and on your contract indicates to buyers that you are not planning on making any repairs or upgrades to the house. There are many buyers who are looking specifically for this type of deal, either because they wish to negotiate a lower price and do the repairs after they move in, or because they are investors who plan on completing an entire renovation while it’s vacant and reselling it later for top dollar. If you are using an agent to sell your house as-is, your agent will advise you to disclose any known issues you are having with the property, such as water in the basement, structural issues, mold or lead anywhere in the house, as well as any other issue you are legally required to disclose if you are aware of it. Keep in mind that even if you decide to sell your house in as-is condition, they can still conduct an inspection of the property. They can even still request a credit for work they feel is way beyond the apparent condition of the house when they first made their offer. Additionally, you can still be at legal risk over issues that pop up after the home has sold, even if you weren’t aware of them. A professional real estate agent and attorney can help you with legal issues that arise, so make sure you have an experienced real estate attorney.

Sell My House Chicago Under Market Price

Another way to sell your house, without investing more money into it to get it sold, is to ask for a lower price than other similar properties near you while making sure to leave room for negotiation in counteroffers. When you’re setting your selling price, don’t forget to include the holding costs involved in having a house listed for an extend amount of time. You will also want to consider the additional costs of owning more than one house at a time, if you’ve had to relocate faster than you were able to get your house sold. It’s a good idea to start with an asking price that’s near what you would really take for the house, to help avoid a lot of lost time or misunderstanding during negotiations. You’re more likely to attract buyers who are serious about buying with straight-forward communication. Again, an experienced real estate agent can assist with this type of sale, as long as they are willing to help you sell for less and without having to put in a lot of money to try to get top dollar on the sales price.

Sell My House Chicago – Sell My House Fast for Cash

When you’re ready to sell a house, you may speak with a realtor and discover that in order to get top dollar for it you’ll need to put a lot of money into it to market it to a traditional home buyer. At the very least, you will need to have it professionally cleaned, staged, get photographs and videos, and hire an agent to get your house listed on the MLS. If the house you’re selling has not had any upgrades or changes made to it, or if it’s a distressed house, you will probably need to have it freshly painted and carpeted. Or you might need to have the kitchens and baths completely remodeled if the house is out of date. Remodeling a house can cost thousands to tens of thousands of dollars! Most sellers are unaware of the costs associated with preparing a house and listing it for sale. If you’ve spoken with an agent who recommended you remodel your house so you can sell it, and your wondering how will I sell my house Chicago without putting a lot of money into it, then you should know you have the option of selling your house as-is, without any repairs or inspections, to a professional cash home buyer like Kendall Partners.

Sell My House Chicago in ANY Condition

So you’ve seen signs around advertising to buy houses that need a lot of work, and you’re wondering if those types of companies are legit. How can anyone afford to buy a house that needs a lot of work — major repairs and renovations can cost so much money! The truth is that while individual homeowners are less likely to be able to put tens of thousands into a house, investors know how to make it happen. They have the cash, the expertise, and the professional contacts to buy a house with lots of issues and get it move-in-ready for the next family. This benefits not only the seller who needs to get out of the house, but the next family who needs an affordable move-in-ready home, the contractors who want the work, and ultimately the whole neighborhood as vacant or run-down houses are filled with residents who want to be a part of their community.

So if you’re wondering how will I sell my house Chicago when it needs all this work, just remember there are professionals out there who are willing to buy your house, no matter what condition it’s in. At Kendall Partners, we’ve been buying houses since 2007 and we’ve seen just about everything! From houses with seeping basements, leaking roofs, fire damage, to even critters living in the attic – we’ve been there done that, and we know how to get contractors involved to get a house cleaned up and either ready for a family or another investor to take it to the finish line. Most homeowners just don’t have the time, money, or contacts to get this type of major work completed. If you own or have inherited a house which is in disrepair or even if it’s a hoarder house so full of contents you can barely walk through it, we know how to assess the property and offer you a fair cash offer.

Sell My House Chicago For Cash

When you work with a professional cash home buyer, you should know that your property is being purchased using cash. This means several things for the seller: first off, there’s no waiting around for a loan or mortgage to be approved. If you sell a house to a traditional retail buyer who uses a loan, your deal could fall through. With interest rates so low, underwriting and loan approvals are taking longer due to demand for refinancing. Sometimes deadlines are missed, and this can impact whether the buyer can get approved. Depending on the loan product, they may also complete property inspections for the loan approval process, making more work for you, the seller. And even as late as a few days before the anticipated closing, the buyer’s mortgage could fail to be approved, leaving you back at square one to find a new buyer. When you work with a cash buyer like Kendall Partners, you don’t have to hope the buyer’s loan will be approved and on time — this means the deal can close much faster and there’s no surprise from a lender.

Working with a professional home buyer who uses cash also usually means you won’t have to pay for commissions or standard closing costs on the sale of your house! When you work with an agent, you pay agency fees and/or commissions to the agent for the marketing costs associated with selling your house. At Kendall Partners, we don’t charge you any commissions or agency fees, and we also pay standard closing costs such as title fees, CPL fees, transfer taxes to various municipalities, and the cost of the survey. These types of costs can add up to be thousands of dollars of savings.

The other bonus of working with a company like Kendall Partners is that a cash transaction saves you from continuing to pay daily holding costs on just owning a property beyond what you absolutely have to pay. The property taxes, mortgage payments, insurance, interest, maintenance, repairs, and utilities continue to add up every single day you own a house — whether you want the house or not, whether you live in it or not, whether you have tenants living in it or not, those costs will still be due until the day you sell it. A cash transaction helps you sell the property as fast as possible, to avoid paying theses costs for any longer than you have to pay them.

Sell My House Chicago Fast

Selling a house is a difficult decision to make, even in the best of circumstances. But when unexpected life events add pressure to your situation, you need options for the quick sale of your house. We speak with homeowners every day who have inherited an unwanted distressed property, are experiencing a job loss, divorce, foreclosure, or simply need to move out of state as soon as possible to take another job or be closer to ailing family members. When you have to sell a house in the midst of tough circumstances like these, you’re probably overwhelmed and wondering how will I sell my house Chicago in time to solve my situation? You DO have choices, you don’t have to put money into your house to get it sold.

Kendall Partners is your local, trusted cash home buyer with a proven, hassle-free process to help you sell your house fast, as-is, for cash. Every day we help homeowners who need to sell and unwanted house quickly. Whether you’ve inherited an unwanted house, no longer want to be a landlord, or you just are experiencing an unexpected life event and you need to move as quickly as possible we can help.  Watch our testimonial videos here, and hear what satisfied sellers are saying. Give us a call today at (630) 389-8232 or submit your information using the form below. One of our friendly team members and professional real estate experts are ready to help you make sense of your options, and will present you with a fair, no-obligation cash offer on your house. See why Kendall Partners is Chicago’s local trusted cash home buyer.

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